Again, I am excited to announce our second Fall Camp for 2022. This is our Focused Fall Flash Camp and it's call a Flash Camp because it starts very soon, packs in 5 sessions over three weeks and the entire camp targets speed, power and quickness. This is an all ages Co-ed camp BUT do to the focus of the camp, participants must have a good command of all 8 edges, be a high level forwards and backwards skater and have the ability to turn all directions.
Focused Fall Flash camp 2022
Location : Invista Centre, 1350 Gardiners Road, Kingston
Time : 4 sessions run 7:00am - 8:00am, one is a 7:30am - 8:30am
Dates : Thurs. Oct. 13th, Fri. Oct. 14, 21, Thurs. Oct. 27th (7:30-8:30am), Fri. Oct 28th. (Oct. 13, 14, 21, 27, 28)
All ages.
All Levels.
Session Cap : 16
Cost : $160.00
This camp is the first camp that I have offered that will focus on one basic theme from start to finish. If there is one thing I hear from parents the most, it's that their son/daughter is a great skater BUT they struggle with their speed/quickness/acceleration. This camp will address just that. We will break down starts into the component pieces, add quickness and power, pthen reassemble them with maximum speed in mind. Crossovers (forwards and backwards) are becoming a larger component of the start sequence and so we will spend time making them quicker and more powerful as well. Finally, getting to top speed is one thing, maintaining that speed is another, and so we will work on froward striding with the goal of maximizing stride length and forward drive.
As always, registration will be on a first come, first served basis. All messenger, email, text messages and phone calls are timed stamped and will be referred to for priority.